Laund Garage Redevelopment

Ellel, Lancaster


Laund Garage has operated as a commercial garage from its current site for almost 20 years. However, prior to the development the site had numerous challenges. The garage operated over 2 levels with limited parking with vehicular access to the site off a busy junction.


The clients purchase of the neighbouring disused Ellel War Memorial Institute allowed for the site to be extended and fully redeveloped to provide a state-of-the-art commercial garage with improved parking and access.

However, this project was far from straightforward. The development had to be phased to allow a portion of the existing garage to remain operational whist the new garage was being constructed. It also had to be designed around the existing Whitley Beck Culvert which intersected the site at northwest corner. The site was also located within an area of flood risk so careful consideration had to be given to the proposed floor levels of the new garage. The development was designed in accordance with advice received from the Local Authority and the Environment Agency.

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